Fight For Freedom
Politics • Spirituality/Belief • Preparedness
As an older American I am shocked to see the quick downfall of our great Country in the last 8 months. I listened to a pod cast feathering Lara Logan

I realize we must do something to save America. This community is an effort to do that. Locals is a place we can communicate through and organize. That's the hope and plan!
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No One Gets to Choose....Could this stop all Racism?

I watch a poor woman in Guatemala struggle to get to her 8' x 8' corrugated metal roof and pallet sided house on the side of a steep ravine located just above a smoldering, smelly dump. It was pouring rain and she was pulling herself up on a rope that was tied between trees. The rain had turned the soil to grease and she kept falling flat on her face. She was complete mud and I thought how is it possible this poor woman has to live like this.

I watched a man in Haiti in the middle of Port au Prince selling a fly infested piece of meat. There was only an occasional flash of red from the meat as the flies moved around, it was completely black from the infestation. I thought how is it possible this man has to try to make a living selling something probably not fit to eat, to some poor Haitian woman trying to feed her family.

I watched the riots in Ferguson Missouri over the killing of a black man by a police officer....and I thought how is it possible they have to live like that?

No one gets a ...

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Grow your own food at home!

If things continue down this slippery slope...and I believe they will, we could soon being seeing massive food shortages. My wife and I have been growing our own food at home with this amazing system. It's the easiest way to grown some of your food year round. Our email is on the flyer and if you would like more info we can send you a reply back which will include an e-info pack.

The food is delicious, you can't get anything fresher and you are in control. Let us know we'll be happy to help!

God Bless and stay safe,

Peter Kaye

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Afghanistan Cluster F...

So not only is there an immeasurable amount of lost lives that no amount of finances can replace, here is a list of military hardware left behind. Our so called leaders have lost even their common sense!

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Why Fight for Feedom

I love America! This nation is a gift that has come with an amazing high price. We go through most days without even thinking about what it has taken for this, the greatest of nations, to have come to existence. We don't think about the lives of countless men and women who have given their all to protect Her and keep America free. But this great nation is under attack like never before and evil men would gladly destroy this for personal gain, for greed, for power. How can I, how can we, sit idly by and ignore the warning signs that are everywhere that this is in fact exactly what is happening! This link is a pod cast interview of Lara Logan and I urge you to listen to this. When I heard it I realized it's my turn to do something, to fight for America, with every once of strength, in every way I can. Please listen to what she has to say. I'll be sharing more very soon.
God Bless,


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